New committee members are formally elected at the AGM but if you would like to find out more about committee membership please contact one of the members listed below.
If you prefer not to join the committee but have an interest in the Society then why not consider volunteering for specific tasks? Volunteers can assist in many ways and are very welcome to the Society. Assistance in setting up for the Open Show and Plant Sale and dismantling the stalls afterwards is always appreciated whilst there are a host of other tasks including: serving on the plant sale stalls; serving teas; washing up; selling raffle tickets at the door on Show day; general dogsbody on Show day; distributing posters.
Being a committee member or volunteer is not onerous and in fact is great fun. Gardening knowledge is not essential for either role; you just need to have lots of enthusiasm. Committee members attend only three or four meetings each year to organise the Plant Sale and Open Show. Volunteers are needed mainly at the Plant Sale and on Show Day. The success of these events provides a great sense of satisfaction to all involved.
President: Marcus Humphrey
Chairman: Jim Campbell
Business Secretary: David Currie (07815511618)
Show Secretary: Liz Cooper (07741248921)
Treasurer: Jean Stott
Industrial Section Convenor: Lindsay Stewart
Children’s Convenor Jane Gill
Juliet Allam, Graham Bruce, Ruth Crawford, Maureen Cuthbert, Dennis Davidson, Janette Dunridge, Sabrina Humphrey, Bob Joseph, Roxanne Maris
Life Members: Mrs P Adam, Mr A Bruce, Mr P Cameron, Mr J Campbell, Mrs L Cooper, Dr M Cuthbert, Mr D Davidson, Mr J Farquharson, Mrs J Gibb, Mrs F Paterson, Mrs R Ross, Mrs E Smith, Mr G Troup
Patrons: Mr M Humphrey and Mrs S Humphrey, Mr Anthony de Winton, Mr RW Joseph, The MacRobert Trust, Dr D Starritt, Tarland Toy Shop, Mrs J Tattersall