Cromar & District Horticultural & Industrial Society


Our Show in August, includes not only gardening, growing veg and flowers and flower arranging but also knitting, sewing, crafts, art, cookery and preserves, wine making… And we have a vibrant children’s section!

The Society’s core objective is: “The promotion of horticulture and rural handicrafts by means of fostering an interest in both subjects within the community.”

More information on the Society can be found further down this page:

or you can join our members Facebook page:


About Us

The Cromar and District Horticultural and Industrial Society (Scottish Charity No. SC023060) was founded to promote an interest in horticulture and rural handicrafts in the community. The highlight of its calendar is the annual Open Show, held in the MacRobert Hall, Tarland, on the second Saturday in August. A Plant and Produce Sale is held on the third Saturday in May each year to raise funds to support Society events. Occasional Social Evenings provide an opportunity to learn more about showing garden produce, wine and preserves, baking and crafts.


Cromar & District Horticultural and Industrial Society organise the Open Show which is held in the MacRobert Hall, Tarland, on the second Saturday in August. Doors open at 2pm with presentation of trophies at 3pm.

The Show, which is open to professionals and amateurs, includes classes for novices, primary and secondary pupils. New exhibitors are most welcome – first time exhibitors often win prizes, even the trophy for Best in Show.

So why not try your hand?

View of Tarland Show from inside the MacRobert Hall, Tarland
Best in show 2011 - Display of home grown vegetadles

Classes include: flowers, pot plants, fruit and vegetables, floral art, gardens and garden elements, baking, preserves, honey, wine and rural crafts. There are also many different classes for children and young people.

Schedules with details of all classes and an entry form will be available from Tarland village shops,  downloaded here or email to request a copy.

How do I enter my exhibit?

  • The £5.00 annual subscription fee entitles you to exhibit in as many classes as you wish. Exhibitors aged 18 and under are nor required to pay the subscription.
  • Select the class or classes you wish to enter and prepare your exhibit(s) (any special instructions are in the schedule).
  • Bring your exhibit(s) to the MacRobert Hall, Tarland on Friday (19:00-21:00) or Saturday (07:00-09:30), where:
    • you can obtain help in completing an entry form (which can be found in the schedule and spare forms will be available in the Hall);
    • be shown how to register as an exhibitor with the Show Secretary;
    • and be further guided in displaying your exhibit(s)
  • Exhibits may be removed at 17:00. Any exhibits remaining will sold at 17:30


New committee members are formally elected at the AGM but if you would like to find out more about committee membership please contact one of the members listed below.

If you prefer not to join the committee but have an interest in the Society then why not consider volunteering for specific tasks? Volunteers can assist in many ways and are very welcome to the Society. Assistance in setting up for the Open Show and Plant Sale and dismantling the stalls afterwards is always appreciated whilst there are a host of other tasks including: serving on the plant sale stalls; serving teas; washing up; selling raffle tickets at the door on Show day; general dogsbody on Show day; distributing posters.

Being a committee member or volunteer is not onerous and in fact is great fun. Gardening knowledge is not essential for either role; you just need to have lots of enthusiasm. Committee members attend only three or four meetings each year to organise the Plant Sale and Open Show. Volunteers are needed mainly at the Plant Sale and on Show Day. The success of these events provides a great sense of satisfaction to all involved.

President: Marcus Humphrey
Chairman: Jim Campbell
Business Secretary: David Currie (07815511618)
Show Secretary: Liz Cooper (07741248921)
Treasurer: Jean Stott
Industrial Section Convenor: Lindsay Stewart
Children’s Convenor Jane Gill
Juliet Allam, Graham Bruce, Ruth Crawford, Maureen Cuthbert, Dennis Davidson, Janette Dunridge, Sabrina Humphrey, Bob Joseph, Roxanne Maris

Life Members: Mrs P Adam, Mr A Bruce, Mr P Cameron, Mr J Campbell, Mrs L Cooper, Dr M Cuthbert, Mr D Davidson, Mr J Farquharson, Mrs J Gibb, Mrs F Paterson, Mrs R Ross, Mrs E Smith, Mr G Troup

Patrons: Mr M Humphrey and Mrs S Humphrey, Mr Anthony de Winton, Mr RW Joseph, The MacRobert Trust, Dr D Starritt, Tarland Toy Shop, Mrs J Tattersall


The committee has begun a new venture to document the history of the Society. We have few records and should be most grateful if anyone with memories or photographs of past Open Shows or other events would share them with us. Photographs or documents would be copied and returned. Please contact any of the committee members or bring items to the plant sale or to the Open Show.