Hidden Birds is an exhibition of works by local artists celebrating Tarland’s wetlands and waders. It highlights some of the beautiful species of bird found in the Howe of Cromar; including heron, oystercatcher and lapwing. The artists have used a range of mediums including watercolour, acrylic, embroidery and ink.
As well as being online, this very special collection can be found in the bird hide at Tarland’s former wastewater treatment works from the 26th September – 30th October 2020. The treatment works are 300m along the Coull Road from Tarland, on the right hand side of the road, just beyond the golf course. Due to Covid-19 we request that you use the hand sanitiser provided before entering the hide, and that only 1 household enter the bird hide at any time. Many thanks and we hope you enjoy the exhibition.
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