Tarland Development Group secured funding to provide additional adventure play equipment in Tarland Park geared towards the older age group in the primary school and teenagers. The project was financially supported by the MacRobert Trust and Aberdeenshire Council (planning gain and Fairer Scotland Fund). Aberdeenshire Council Landscape Services also supported the project throughout with advice and expertise. Adults and young volunteers from Tarland Youth Cinema, Tarland Youth Club, Tarland Development Group and Cromar Community Council formed a steering committee to plan a consultation asking young people in the community what additional equipment they would like to see. Representatives from three different play companies attended the consultation, held in spring 2012 and gave really exciting and informative demonstrations to the 20 adults and 36 youngsters who came along.
The steering committee then asked the companies to submit designs based on the feedback they had received at the consultation. On 6th June 2012 the winning design was selected and the committee chose Scotplay, who are based in Glasgow. The new equipment was installed in August 2012, at a cost of just under £28,000 and includes a 25m zip wire, a wooden climbing frame, a basket swing and a four seat waltzer. Aberdeenshire Council are also planning to install a youth shelter in the park to give teenagers a dry place to sit.
Tarland celebrated the opening of the new adventure play equipment in the park on the evening of Wednesday 12th September. Kathy Ader, one of the committee members who helped the project to be realized thanked all of those involved and Air Commodore Bob Joseph, CBE, the Administrator of the MacRobert Trust, one of the main funders, cut the ribbon and declared the adventure equipment open.
Tarland Film Cinema was set up and is run by young people for young people.
We show films chosen by members on the first Thursday of each month, from September 2015 to June 2016, in the Upper MacRobert Hall and provide FREE refreshments.
Annual membership costs just £12.00.
To renew membership or to join, please email tarlandfilmgroup@hotmail.co.uk or come along on September 3rd.
(Children of eight and under must be accompanied by an adult)