Tarland Community Garden

Tarland Community Garden Logo

Tarland Community Garden is a Tarland Development Group project, which began construction in April 2013.


To establish a community garden accessible to all, for local production of vegetables and fruit.
1) To encourage local production of vegetables and fruit.
2) To provide all-weather growing facilities in a challenging climate.
3) To provide a social focus for people with an interest in growing vegetables and fruit.
4) To encourage sharing of expertise and skills, particularly organic growing methods.
5) To provide an inclusive and accessible growing space.


The garden includes a 30ft x 90ft polytunnel, a communal shed and tool store, and a wheelchair accessible toilet. The site has deer and rabbit-proof fencing. There are 29, 8ft x 4ft raised beds in the polytunnel, plus 2 wheelchair accessible beds. All polytunnel beds have automatic irrigation installed. There are 34 outdoor 8ft x 4ft raised beds, plus 2 wheelchair accessible beds. There are communal planting areas which will feature a soft fruit cage, espalier fruit trees, a herb garden and a permaculture garden.

Funding and support

The project is funded primarily by the Climate Challenge Fund. Additional awards were granted from Aberdeenshire Council, and the Co-operative Community Fund. The project is supported by the Marr Area Partnership, The MacRobert Trust, Cromar Community Council, Cromar and District Horticultural Society, with mentoring from Fairlie Community Garden . Donations have also been received from members of the public.


The raised beds are rented by individual or group members from the Cromar Community Council Area. Membership is renewed on an annual basis, and there is currently a waiting list for raised bed rental. Members are responsible for the upkeep of their raised beds and all communal areas of the garden.

Associate Membership

Although membership for raised beds is fully subscribed at present, people can still get involved by joining the garden as Associate Members. Associate Members can benefit from all communal areas of the garden, and can attend workshops held at the garden free of charge.


For further information, please email tarlandcommunitygarden@gmail.com