TARLAND SEED SWAP AND POTATO DAY – Saturday 24th February 2024, 12:30pm – 2pm
What is the Seed Swap? come and exchange locally grown, traditional variety vegetable and flower seeds – the FREE seeds are available for you to take away whether you have managed to save any or not
What is the Potato Day? over 20 different varieties of unusual heritage and/or organic seed potatoes for sale
£2/entry/children FREE: Refreshments will be provided by the Cromar Senior Citizens.
There will be activities for children, and a chance to ask a local market gardener questions about growing veg successfully. We will also be selling garlic, onion sets and shallots for you to grow.
Have you Saved Seed This Year???
Please obtain some FREE seed envelopes by contacting Lizzy on gonetoseed@outlook.com
Put the seed that you have saved into the envelopes and bring along to the seed swap.
Please write on the seed envelopes – the more info the better, to let other gardeners know why you want to share this seed (date saved, type of vegetable or flower and variety, location seed saved, useful growing tips or characteristics (eg. colour, size, hardiness).
How many seeds should I put in??? It’s up to you but don’t overfill, fewer is probably better as more people will have a chance to take a packet and try out your seed. See rough guide below:
- Pepper/ aubergine/tomatoes/courgette/pumpkin/squash – 10
- Cucumber – 15
- Beans/Peas – 30
- Brassicas – 40
- Spinach/beetroot – 50
- Carrots/lettuce/radish – one teaspoon
- Parsnips/onions/leeks – couple of teaspoons
Please make sure that you have not saved seed from F1 varieties and that the seeds are dry. For information about how to save and store seed please see: www.gardenorganic.org.uk/seed-saving-guidelines
If you have any unused commercially produced seed that you no longer need, why not bring that along as well, so it does not go to waste!
To find out more about forthcoming workshops or to book a place, please email: gonetoseed@outlook.com